Pioneering partnerships between faith and education.
Boost is a small charity in Felixstowe, on the Suffolk coast, existing to pioneer partnerships between faith and education. We exist because we believe in Christ as someone who came to live and love among us, to deliver hope, and to bring about change in a hurting world. We work relentlessly to show this love, hope and change to the young people with whom we work.
We provide school chaplaincy services, offering a consistent and available chaplain for students and staff. Being a young person today presents unique challenges which simply didn't exist even 10 years ago. Yet we believe every young person should have opportunities to live life to the full and to reach their full potential.
As well as our successful school chaplaincy projects, you may often find us speaking, leading training or writing about chaplaincy, youth work and community partnerships on stages locally, regionally and nationally. We love to share what we're learning along the way!
“I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.”
Words of Jesus in John's Gospel, The Bible
Boost began in the August of 2000 as local church leaders sought to better support and connect with thousands of children and young people across Felixstowe. Now firmly into adulthood, we are grateful for the continued support of a range of individuals, congregations and organisations who have grown and developed our work.
What started as small-scale youth work across Felixstowe has evolved into a successful long term partnership with our local schools, and the opportunity to share about our learning and our successes on the local, regional and national stage.
We were nominated for Premier’s Love Britain and Ireland Award 2019, became regional finalist in the Eastern region, and attended the national finals in October.
We would love for you to join us on our journey!